
Legal Information

Rennes Airport

Accueil groupes Rennes aeroport @gerrie-van-der-walt

Legal Information

In accordance with France’s Digital Economy Law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004, we inform you of the following: The website (“Site”) is the property of the Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard.

The company is registered at Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard and its head office is at : Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard, BP 29155, 35091 Rennes Cedex 9.

Communications director: Nathalie RICARD

This Site has been registered with the CNIL, France’s data protection authority, in accordance with the country’s Law no. 78-17 relating to information technology, data and civil liberties, as modified. The Site is governed by France law; visitors accessing the Site from outside France must ensure it is in compliance with locally applicable laws. Since the legal notices may be changed at any time, without notice, we advise you to read them regularly. Number of registration : 1177318
Last update: 2019, January 9th.

Hosted by: Smile Open Source Solutions, 20 rue des Jardins
92600 Asnières-sur-Seine, 01 41 40 11 00

This site was created using the Drupal open-source application:


Hébergeur : SMILE, 20 rue des Jardins 92600 Asnières sur Seine, France.

Ce site a été réalisé en utilisant l’open source Drupal. 


The person responsible for the processing of personal data is the company Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard, identified above.
The purpose of the processing of personal data is:

  • for the heading "Contact": to process the request
  • to apply in the "Recruitment" section of the "Contact" section: to manage applications for a job offer
  • for the "Newsletter" section and "Newsletter" insert on the home page: to be able to contact you and inform you about news and promotions
  • for the "Parking" section e-fare J-30: to process your e-fare booking request giving rise to a preferential rate
  • for the "Corporate" section, the part relating to the contests organized on Facebook or via the Confidences platform: to ensure the proper functioning of the game and inform the winners
  • for the section "Sustainable development", the part relating to the notification of noise nuisance: to be able to treat your request.

The processing of personal data is based on the consent of the persons concerned, who have the right to withdraw their consent at any time.

The provision of personal data is optional except for the departments referred to above, which can only provide the services requested if personal data is provided.

The information that we gather is intended exclusively for habilitated Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard teams, its owner the Region Bretagne and its shareholders CCI Ille et Vilaine and VINCI Airports. No personal data concerning you is transferred to third parties. Visitors to this site are informed and agree that information (in the form of cookies) may be temporarily installed on their computer, tablet or mobile phone, in order to facilitate browsing on the site, to send them services suitable for their terminal (computer, mobile or tablet) and to produce visitor statistics. Users are free to refuse such cookies by configuring their browser, below.

Personal data are kept:

  • for the "Contact" section: 2 years from the reception of the request
  • for the "Recruitment" section of the "Contact" section: 12 months after the submission of an application
  • for the "Newsletter" section and "Newsletter" insert on the home page: during the subscription period
  • for the "Car parks" section e-fare J-30: 6 months after the registration date of the e-fare request. During the subscription period for the people who choose to subscribe the newsletter (see above).
  • for the "Corporate" section, the part relating to the contests organized on Facebook or via the Confidences platform: the time of the game and to be able to inform the winners. During the subscription period for the peopole who choose to subscribe the newsletter (see above).
  • for the heading "Sustainable development", the part relating to the signaling of noise nuisance: 2 years from the reception of the request

Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard commits that any personal information from the subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This gives you a right to access, correct and delete personal information concerning you, and subject to the legal conditions, a right to object to or restrict the processing concerning you, which you can exercise at any time by writing to:

Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard

BP 29155

35091 Rennes Cedex 9

Email : seard.dpo[arobase]

You also have a right to make a complaint to a regulatory authority if you think that the processing of your data constitutes a breach of the applicable legislation.


What is a cookie?
What are the cookies on our site used for?
Your choices concerning cookies

When you visit our website [], information is likely to be recorded in the "Cookies" installed on your computer, tablet or mobile telephone. This page is designed to help you understand what a cookie is, what it is used for and how you can change the settings.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file stored, with your permission, on your device (computer, mobile or tablet) when you visit a website or click on an ad. It is used to collect information about your browsing actions and send you services adapted to your device (computer, mobile or tablet).

Cookies are managed by your browser; only the entity issuing a cookie can read or modify the information contained in it.
A cookie does not identify you personally; it identifies the browser on your device.

What are the cookies on our site used for?

Three types of cookie addressing the purposes described above can be installed on your device when you visit our website:

1. Technical cookies are necessary to browse our website and access the different products and services. Technical cookies are used to recognise you and indicate your visit to one of its pages, and in this way enhance your browsing comfort by adapting the presentation of the site to the display preferences of your device (language used, display resolution) and memorising the passwords and other information contained in a form you have filled out on the site (registration or access to the members space). Technical cookies also enable use of security measures (as for instance when you are asked to connect again to the members space after a certain lapse of time). These cookies cannot be deactivated or reset without the risk of you being denied access to the site and/or the services on it.

2. Audience-measurement cookies are installed by us or our technical service providers for the purpose of measuring the audience using the different content and rubrics on our site to enable better assessment or organisation of this content and rubrics. These cookies may also allow us to detect browsing problems and hence improve the ergonomics of our services. These cookies produce only anonymous statistics and visitor volumes, to the exclusion of any personal information. The lifespan of these audience-measurement cookies does not exceed 13 months.

3. "Social media" cookies allow users to share the content on our site with other people, and let these other people know that they have viewed content on the site or their opinion on this content. This is the case, in particular, for the "share" and "like" buttons on social media such as "Facebook" or "Twitter". A social media network that provides this type of application button can identify you from this button, even if you have not used it when visiting our site. We advise you to consult the private protection policies of these social media networks to find out about the uses, notably advertising, of the browsing information they may collect thanks to these application buttons. The lifespan of these cookies does not exceed 13 months.

Your choices concerning cookies

By using our site, you agree to use of the cookies described above. However, you can at any time choose to deactivate all or part of these cookies, except for the technical cookies required for functioning of the site as indicated above. Your browser can also be set to alert you of cookies stored in your device and ask you whether to accept them or not.

1. Refuse a cookie using your browsing software

You can at any time choose to deactivate all or part of the cookies. Your browser can also be set to alert you of cookies stored in your device and ask you whether to accept them or not (case-by-case or all cookies). We remind you, however, that deactivating all cookies will prevent you from using our site under normal conditions, except for basic functions.

As concerns management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which you can use to find out how to modify your wishes concerning cookies.
- Google Chrome™:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer™:
- Mozilla Firefox™:
- Apple Safari™ :
- Opera™ :

You can also set your browser so that it sends a code indicating to websites that you do not wish to be tracked. ('Do Not Track' option):
- Google Chrome™ :
- Microsoft Internet Explorer™ :
- Mozilla Firefox™ :
- Apple Safari™ :
- Opera™ :

2. Refuse an audience-measurement cookie:

On our website, audience cookies are installed by Google Analytics.

If you do not want our site to store cookies in your browser for audience-measurement purposes, you can click on the following deactivation link which will install on your browser a cookie whose sole function is to block these cookies. Click here to refuse Google audience-measurement cookies.

If you wish to block any use of your data by the Google Analytics Javascript files, download the browser add-on module to deactivate Google Analytics.

3. Refuse a cookie issued by a social media network. If you do not want our site to store cookies in your browser for this purpose, you can click on the following deactivation links which will store on your browser a cookie whose sole purpose is to block use of other cookies from the same issuer. Deactivating these cookies will therefore prevent any interaction with the social media networks concerned:


NB: registering your wishes as concerns cookies is associated with a specific cookie or cookies. If you delete all the cookies stored in your device concerning our site, we will no longer know which you have accepted or refused. This means that you will have to reinitialise your consent and once again refuse the cookie(s) you do not wish to store. Likewise, if you use another internet browser, you will have to once again refuse these cookies, since your choices, like the cookies they concern, are associated with the browser and the device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) that you use to visit our site.


Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard owns, reserves and retains all property rights, and in particular intellectual property rights, to this Site and its content, including reproduction rights. Accordingly, the partial or total reproduction of this Site or its content is strictly forbidden without Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard written authorization. Brands, patents, logos and other distinctive signs appearing on this Site are the property of Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard or are the subject of a user’s licence. No rights or licences may be granted in respect there of without the written authorisation of Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard or of the third party owning those rights.


Users of this Site must read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of use.
Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from accessing or using this Site and/or its content, including inaccessibility, loss of data, damage, destruction and viruses that could affect the user’s computer equipment and/or the presence of viruses on the Site. Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard has used all reasonable care and skill to provide reliable content on this Site but gives no warranty that the content is free from inaccuracies or omissions. Accordingly, Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions or for the unavailability of information or services. Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard reserves the right to improve and/or change the content of its Site at any time and without notice. Accordingly, users acknowledge that they use such information at their own risk.


This Site may include links to other websites or Internet sources. Insofar as Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard cannot control these external sites and sources, it is not responsible for enabling users to access these external sites and sources. Accordingly, Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard shall not be liable for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources. These links are offered as a service to Société d’Exploitation des Aéroports de Rennes et Dinard Site users. The decision to activate the links resides solely with Site users. We would remind you that non-affiliated websites are subject to their own terms and conditions of use.


For a list of the airlines prohibited from operating within the EU:

See the EU Commission website


In accordance with European regulations (Directive 2013/11 / EU of 05.21.2013), we inform you about the possible referral to our partner "The Travel and Mediation". Contact details and referral procedures are available on its website for any claim deemed unsuccessfu


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Cookie preferences

Welcome to the Rennes and Dinard Airports website. We use cookies to provide you with offers and content tailored to your interests, to analyze traffic and improve the performance of the site and its ergonomics. To know more consult our cookies policy..